The Enduring Tradition of Palestinian Embroidery

The Enduring Tradition of Palestinian Embroidery

A craft brought to life by village women, the rich embroidery of Palestine has become one of the country's main ways of identity. Passed down through generations from mothers to their daughters, Tatreez (Palestinian embroidery) has been recognized by the entire world as the art of Palestine, dating back to the Canaanite era, a time when Arabs lived around 3000 years ago.

Palestinian embroidery is a traditional craft that has become an important symbol of Palestinian culture and identity. A rich artistic tradition passed down through generations, it is now common in all of Palestine and among members of the diaspora. Palestinians pride themselves on their brightly colored, detailed designs, and rightfully so.

Despite how much trauma the country has been through, their culture and designs have stayed true to their past. For many, the intricate designs serve as a gentle reminder of their childhood and future, as well as how strong a country is represented in their blood.

VELA’s main goal in advocating for and preserving such culture was to lead a Tatreez workshop led by Bayan Fares from Badan Collective. A class that taught and advocated for Palestinian culture, with a live guide and kits for all, left an important mark of Palestine in the hearts of all those who participated.

Led by a creative design house, Badan's main goal is to keep the traditions and culture of Palestine alive. It is essential to connect with one's roots, and thus Badan achieves just that: Giving the space to not only embrace one's culture in a hands-on way but also to meet others who share those same interests. Bringing a hands-on approach while allowing everyone to express their truest selves through art is not only beautiful but permanent. Badan allowed the audience to permanently embroider their everyday hijabs as a constant reminder of the country they fight for every day, to allow Palestine to live in them both emotionally and physically. With every stitch, a collective movement was mobilized, for both the present and future generations to come.


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